decorators in Python: The most powerful concept in Python

Decorators in Python are very useful and an important tool in Python. Decorators can be defined as another wrapped function to extend a particular function to increase its functionality. Decorators help Python programmers to make changes in the function or a class defined. Before we start with the special properties of decorators let’s understand the basics of the decorators first. 

Decorators in Python

Python first-class objects: decorators in Python

First-class objects are functions defined in Python that can be used in passing the arguments.

  • A function is an instance of the Object type.
  • You might save the function in a variable.
  • The function may be sent as an argument to another function.
  • It is possible for a function to return another function.
  • Lists, hash tables, and other data structures can be used to store them.
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

student = Student("thelearningskills", "10")

>>> "thelearningskills"

The most powerful decorator in Python and its uses in data science and Machine learning

Python programming is growing rapidly every day and coming into the developers list. It’s one of the high-level languages that can create mobile applications, websites, etc. Various properties in Python include decorators in Python. @property is one of the decorators. Including our expert’s experience in Python, property decorators in Python help to take complex problems and write effective, efficient, and clean code. 

The @property decorators is powerful as it help to interact with the class attributes smoothly and easily. In this post, we’ll be seeing 5 different ways how we can use it to supercharge your classes. We’ll see some of the practical examples as well in machine learning and data science to understand its importance. 

Side note: As we’ll be learning the Python concepts moving ahead, we request all of you to properly read the blog as it might be helpful to you in various ways. We always aim to serve the right knowledge to our users so that they can grow. 

Python programming properties crash course: Decorators in Python

The special attribute properties in Python TL;DR, allow you to access the object’s certain aspects. For example, if we have class names as students with two attributes name, and age. We can easily access the name attribute by following the code. 

# Python program to illustrate functions 
# can be treated as objects 
def learn(skills): 
    return skills.upper() 
python_coding = learn

So with the help of the above code, you can easily access the name of the student and the age.

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